Valerie from Brooklyn from Brooklyn, NY
Nothing stops a victim from reporting any offense to public authorities. This is not the problem of any organization but of the human condition. If victims would report, future victimization could be prevented.
Dec 29, 2016, 12:22 PM
THE WHOLE ISSUES REVOLVES AROUND CONFIDENTIALLY. Heres a stripped down version on confidentiality and the issues of this situation.
California law and ethics for counselors (i.e. therapist, practitioners, doctors, etc) and how they handle confidentiality of client information, which sort of related to the same standards of clergy, explain that if a client comes to you with infomation saying the are presently hurting a child; then they are mandated to report to CPS. But, if they (the client) reveals that they have hurt someone (i.e. sexually abused, murdered, etc.) then it must not be reported "IF" it was in the past AND there is no ID to the victim nor can the counselor ID a potenial or future victim. That information is confidential and cannot be revealed to authority (i.e. police, cps, etc)
Same rules (in a way) apply to clergy. With the JWs, the priests of the congregation most likely ( i would hope) encourage the family or victim to report to authority, but if the family wants to resolve within the religion, then thats there right. BTW the parents who dont report should be held liable as well as the perpetrator...thats my own opinion. Whatever info is told to the priest must be made confidential.
You people need to brush up on your knowledge of law and the rules of confidentiality and stop trolling. AND Dont be fooled by a journalist writing a very controversial article. Remember folks, the more dramtic the story the more likely you'll read it and view the ads.
Dec 29, 2016, 5:20 PM
Here are two comments on the page that defend the organization (there are some comments that do not, and even a member of SNAP, but these are the ones that we might want to reply to).